"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it." - Hebrews 13:2

Monday, October 28, 2013


Happy Monday! Today, I am turning Gatepost over to an awesome lady and friend. I met Wendy Paine Miller through blogging. She has one outstanding blog - Thoughts That Move  Her way of thinking about life and expressing it through her writing is refreshing...always moving. She leaves me with that tasty morsel to chew on the rest of the day. Good stuff. I highly recommend you visit her blog.

Earlier this month, Wendy's book The Disappearing Key was released. It's on the top of my TBR list and getting excellent reviews. I am so happy for her! Please welcome: WENDY PAINE MILLER!

Author, Wendy Paine Miller.
Isn't she beautiful?

When Do You Feel Most Alive?

Somewhere along the way in the process of creating my bio I decided it would be a good idea to add times when I feel most alive.

It feels like my list keeps growing.

Or I keep changing it the second I think of additional things that breathe life into me.

So far reading, writing, running, speeding in a boat, laughing, encouraging others, making others think, refurbishing furniture, and being immersed in conversation have all made the cut in one bio or another.

It’s an important question. One everyone should ask themselves periodically.

Apparently, I ask myself on a regular basis.

So, what of it? What’s the benefit of asking yourself this question?

When do I feel most alive? Or put another way, what makes me feel most alive?

I know for me, my answers reveal  what I care about—what fuels me, restores me, what I consider exhilarating.

Too many women (especially moms out there, can I get an Amen?) don’t take the time to think about what motivates us.
What lights us up with life.

And it matters.

Because we only experience one of these jangly things called life. And the more alive we feel, the more we’re likely to pump others full of life.

How would you answer this question—when do you feel most alive?

Bio: Wendy lives with her husband, their three girls, and a skunk-dodging Samoyed. She feels most alive when she’s laughing, speeding on a boat, reading, writing, refurbishing furniture or taking risks. She’s authored ten novels and is currently writing what she hopes will be your future book club pick.

Her work has been published in numerous anthologies and online sites. Wendy graduated with a BA in English from Wittenberg University, where she earned an Honor of Distinction for her accrued knowledge of literature.

She’s represented by Rachelle Gardner of Books & Such Literary Agency.

Visit  http://thoughtsthatmove.blogspot.com/ or connect with Wendy on Facebook or Twitter @wendypmiller

Thank you, Wendy! It's been a real treat to have you here!

I feel most alive in nature. God created such beautiful wonders for us to see and experience on His earth. His sunsets are my favorite.

Between you, me and the gatepost,


Monday, October 7, 2013

The Preacher's Wife with Author, Brandi Boddie

Happy Monday! Today I'm stepping aside and giving the floor over to the lovely and talented - Author, Brandi Boddie. I met Brandi through blogging. We both share a deep love for history. I am so thrilled for her. This past week was the release of her debut novel The Preacher's Wife. Please welcome my dear friend, Brandi Boddie!

A big thanks to my friend and fellow writer Loree for inviting me to guest post on her blog. Loree and I both love history. When I found out that she was a Civil War re-enactor, I thought that was very amazing.

The Civil War had such a profound impact on the people of the United States that its effects were felt years after. The events of my historical romance The Preacher’s Wife take place in 1870 during the Reformation era. Rowe Winford is a young veteran who ventures west to make a new life for himself as a preacher. Despite the wishes of some very vocal family members who insist that he stay to rebuild their Virginia tobacco farm, Rowe leaves for the small town of Assurance, Kansas.

Rowe’s journey is a deeply personal one. Like many Civil War veterans, both Union and Confederate, he finds employment that takes him far from home. Also, he seeks to escape from the grief of losing his wife who died in childbirth a few years before. It is in his new town that he meets Marissa Pierce, a saloon girl who’s in the midst of reforming her life and battling the cruelties of her abusive employer.

At first glance, Marissa seems to be the type of woman that any well-bred southern gentleman is taught to avoid, but Rowe finds himself intrigued by her independent spirit, beauty, and determination to make a better life for herself. But as the town’s new preacher, Rowe is expected to maintain an untarnished image. What will they think if they knew he was developing feelings for a woman of supposed ill repute?

The Preacher’s Wife follows Rowe and Marissa on a journey of faith, love, and trusting in God.

Book Excerpt:

This excerpt takes place shortly after Rowe arrives in Assurance, Kansas. Marissa sees him on her way to deposit the saloon’s earnings in the bank. The town’s gossipy seamstress Linda Walsh stops to have a word with Marissa about the new preacher.

            “That must be our new preacher.” Linda Walsh, the town’s young seamstress, walked up beside Marissa. Always eager for conversation, Linda would speak to anyone who stopped to listen, as Marissa had learned since coming back to Assurance a couple years ago. “We weren’t expecting him for another two weeks. I wonder what made him take off from home so fast.”
            Marissa groaned at the thought of meeting another preacher. Every preacher she came across had turned her away once they discovered her profession.
            She watched the small schooner pull up to the local inn. She recognized the driver Dusty Sterling seated beside the other man. Dusty hopped down and tethered the horses. The man in black stepped onto the dusty curb. His recently polished boots gleamed.
            “Fancy one, he is,” Linda continued. “I hear he comes from a city somewhere in Virginia.”
            “Where did you hear that?”
            “It was in the paper a month ago. Our advertisement for a new preacher was answered from a man back East.”
            Marissa focused again on what was in front of her. The traveler indeed looked foreign to the prairie. Not a hint of travel dust stuck to his long, black frock coat and four-inhand necktie, probably changed into just before departing the train. His gray pants were new and expertly tailored. He removed his hat briefly to wipe his brow, and Marissa saw the dark, wavy hair cropped close to his head.
            “He doesn’t have a wife or children with him. Such a shame.” Linda clucked her tongue. “He’s a handsome fellow, for certain.”
            Marissa agreed with her on that. He must have stood over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and a powerful build. The man’s profile was strong and rigid, his square jaw and straight nose a true delight for the eyes. Assurance’s former preacher, Reverend Thomas, did not look like this. “Would having a wife and children make him a better preacher?”
            Linda tossed her a look. “That’s got nothing to do with it. One ought to be settled down at a certain age, wouldn’t you say so? Instead of running wild with the barmen?”
            Marissa absorbed the sting of emotional pain. Anything she said in response would not sway Linda or anyone else’s notion that she was just a beer-serving streetwalker. She put on a polite stoic face. “I’m sure the ladies of this town will clamor for his attention. Will you excuse me, Miss Linda? I should be going.”
            She left the seamstress just as Dusty carried the new preacher’s valises inside the inn. The preacher moved to follow then stopped short, pausing for Marissa to walk past. Marissa saw his blue eyes widen and take in her entire form, from the feathered hat on her head to the dainty-heeled boots on her feet. By his expression she didn’t know whether he admired or disapproved.
            His lips settled into a firm line of what looked to be distaste, and she got her answer.
            The preacher hadn’t been there for an hour and already she drew out his scorn. Marissa returned the stare until her image of him blurred with beckoning tears.
            He jolted from his perusal. His low, straight brows flicked. “Good day to you, ma’am.” He amiably tipped his hat to her.
            She paused, not used to being addressed in that fashion. Kindness was in his greeting, not the sarcasm she normally heard from others. Marissa tilted her head to get a clear look at him. His eyes were friendly, calm deep pools. The rest of his face, with its strong, angular lines, remained cordial.
            “Good day,” she replied, hoarse. Awkwardness seized her
person. Marissa hastily continued on her way to the bank.

Rafflecopter Giveaway

I am giving away a signed proof copy of The Preacher’s Wife. Enter your email in the Rafflecopter drawing for a chance to win!

Brandi Boddie holds a juris doctorate from Howard University School of Law and a BA in political science from Youngstown State University. Her love of writing and research has led her to work that includes case management for the Office of the Attorney General in Washington DC and teaching assignments for elementary and secondary students. When she is not working on a story, Brandi enjoys hiking, fencing, and swing dancing. Soon to be a Texas resident, she lives with her husband and a cocker spaniel who aspires to be a food critic. Visit Brandi’s blog at http://brandiboddie.blogspot.com

My Photo
Author, Brandi Boddie

Thank you, Brandi!

I just ordered your book and can't wait to read it! Sounds good. I'm very glad you dropped by to give us a taste. I love that you swing dance, Brandi. That's something I always wanted to learn to do. So great to get to know you better! Congratulations on your book!

Also I would like to wish Author Julie Jarnagin a big congrats! She is now represented by the fabulous Nicole Resciniti with the Seymour Agency! Welcome aboard, Julie!

Have a great week!

Between you, me and the gatepost,
